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Сжигание водорода в энергетической ГТУ. Опыт Kawasaki

Кристина Сергеевна Пугач, Людмила Александровна Булысова, Василий Дмитриевич Васильев


Рассматривается опыт фирмы Kawasaki по созданию газовой турбины, работающей на водороде. Представлены результаты исследований: от лабораторных до полномасштабных демонстрационных с подключенной нагрузкой. Рассмотрены гидродинамические процессы, протекающие в камере сгорания такой ГТУ, а также принципы её масштабирования.

Полный текст:



Kroniger, D. 100 % Hydrogen Dry Low NOx Combustor Developments for 2 MW Class Gas Turbineand Combined Heat and Power Supply Demonstration [Text] / D. Kroniger [et al.] // Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan. -- 2022. -- Vol. 64, No. 207. -- P. 41–50.

Funke, H.H.W. Experimental and numerical study on optimizing the dry low NOx micromix hydrogen combustion principle for industrial gas turbine applications [Text] / H.H.W. Funke [et al.] // Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications. -- 2017. -- Vol. 9, No. 2.

Goldmeer, J. Hydrogen for power generation. Experience, requirements, and implications for use in gas turbines [Text] / J. Goldmeer, J. Catillaz // GE Gas Power. -- 2021.

Funke, H. H. W. Numerical and experimental characterization of low NOx Micromix combustion principle for industrial hydrogen gas turbine applications [Text] / H.H.W. Funke [et al.] // Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. -- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012. -- Vol. 44687. -- P. 1069–1079.

Funke, H.H.W. Experimental and numerical characterization of the dry low NOx micromix hydrogen combustion principle at increased energy density for industrial hydrogen gas turbine applications [Text] / H.H.W. Funke [et al.] // Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. -- 2013. -- Vol. 55102.

Tekin, N. Enhancement of fuel flexibility of industrial gas turbines by development of innovative hydrogen combustion systems [Text] / N. Tekin [et al.] // Gas Energy. -- 2018. -- Vol. 2. -- P. 1–6.

Horikawa, A. Combustor development and engine demonstration of micro-mix hydrogen combustion applied to M1A‐17 gas turbine [Text] / A. Horikawa // Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. -- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021. -- Vol. 84959.

Horikawa, A. Introducing hydrogen utilization technology -- Hydrogen power generation using gas turbine [Electronic resource] / A. Horikawa // Bulletin of The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers -- 2021. -- Vol. 95. -- P. 37–41. -- (https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kanrin/95/0/95_37/_article/-char/ja/).

Horikawa, A. 100% hydrogen dry low NOx combustor developments for 2 MW class gas turbine [Text] / A. Horikawa [et al.] //The Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering (ICOPE) 2021.15. -- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021.

Succeeded in demonstration operation with a dry hydrogen gas turbine that significantly reduced nitrogen oxides and used a mixed fuel of hydrogen and natural gas [Electronic resource] // NEDO, 2022. -- (https://www.nedo.go.jp/news/press/AA5_101578.html).

Kawasaki Launches World’s First 1.8 MW Class, 100 % Hydrogen-fueled, Dry-combustion Gas Turbine Cogeneration System, 2023 [Electronic resource]. -- (https://global.kawasaki.com/en/corp/newsroom/news/detail/?f=20230905_2781).


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