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Новое поколение пылеугольных энергоблоков ультрасверхкритического давления с двукратным промперегревом

Александр Шаулович Лейзерович


Представлена информация о массовом внедрении и освоении пылеугольных паротурбинных энергоблоков сверхкритического давления (СКД) в различных странах мира.

Полный текст:



Лейзерович, А.Ш. Современные пылеугольные паротурбинные энергоблоки сверхкритического давления [Текст] / А.Ш. Лейзерович, Г.Д. Авруцкий, И.А. Савенкова, М.В. Лазарев // Энергохозяйство за рубежом. – 2009. -- № 5 (246).

Franke, J. Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants [Text] / J. Franke, R. Kral and E. Wittchow // VGB PowerTech. – 1999. -- Vol. 79. -- No. 12.

Double reheat revisited [Text] // Modern Power Systems. – 2013. -- Vol. 33. -- No. 10.

Niu, Hai-ming. Technical Analysis on Double Reheat for Ultra-Supercritical Units [Text]: Presented at 5th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICADME) / Hai-ming Niu, Wei Zhang. -- Malaysia, Penang, March 2015.

Williams, D. Double-reheat cycles back in vogue for coal-fired power plants [Text] / D. Williams // Power Engineering International, 28/08/2015.

Nicol, K. Double-reheat cycles improve efficiency of coal-fired power units, so what’s happening to them? [Text]: Application and development prospects of double-reheat coal-fired power units / K. Nicol // IEA Clean Coal Centre. -- CCC/255.

Nicol, K. Chinese double reheat units poised to break coal plant efficiency records [Text] / K. Nicol // Modern Power Systems. – 2015. -- Vol. 35. -- No. 10.

Leyzerovich, A. Large Power Steam Turbines: Design & Operation [Text] / A. Leyzerovich. -- Tulsa, OK: PennWell Books, 1997.

Leyzerovich, A. Steam Turbines for Modern Fossil-Fuel Power Plants [Text] / A. Leyzerovich. -- Lilburn, GA: The Fairmont Press, 2007.

Armor, A.F. Advanced Supercritical Power Plants: the EPRI Development Program [Text]: Proceeding of American Power Conference / A.F. Armor, R.J. Jaffee, R.D. Hottenstine. -- Chicago, 1984. -- Vol. 47

Mimuro, H. Development and Operational Experience of the Steam Turbine with Advanced Steam Conditions [Text]: Proceeding of American Power Conference / H. Mimuro, H. Nomoto, M. Fujii. -- Chicago, 1991. -- Vol. 53.

Advanced Technology for Nordjyllandsværket Unit 3 [Text] // Modern Power Systems. – 1998. -- Vol. 18. -- No. 5.

Kjær, S. Status of Advanced Super-Critical Fossil-Fired Power Plants in the ELSAM Area [Text] / S. Kjær, F. Thomsen // VGB PowerTech. – 1999. -- Vol. 79. -- No. 6.

Jensen, V. Experience Gained from Commissioning a New 411 MW Coal-Fired Plant with Advanced Steam Data [Text] / V. Jensen // VGB PowerTech. – 2000. -- Vol. 80. -- No. 5.

Overton, T.W. TOP PLANTS: Shanghai Waigaoqiao No. 9, Shanghai, China [Text] / T.W. Overton // Power. – 2015. -- Vol. 159. -- No. 1.


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